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Christy Haynes

CSN Publication: Facile benchtop reactor design using dendrimer-templating technology for the fabrication of polyethyleneimine-coated CuO nanoparticles on the gram scale

Aiesha L. Ethridge’s manuscript, entitled “Facile benchtop reactor design using dendrimer-templating technology for the fabrication of polyethyleneimine-coated CuO nanoparticles on the gram scale,” has been accepted by Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. Read the online publication here. Aiesha L. Ethridge, Miranda J. Gallagher, Natalie V. Hudson-Smith, Demetrius Finley, Ariful Ahsan, D. Howard Fairbrother, Christy L. Haynes, Robert J. Hamers and Michael L. Curry, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2019, 37 (4), 041402.

CSN Publication: A Macroscale Model for Hands-On Activities Demonstrating Transmission Electron Microscopy

Natalie V. Hudson-Smith’s manuscript, entitled “A Macroscale Model for Hands-On Activities Demonstrating Transmission Electron Microscopy,” has been accepted by the Journal of Chemical Education. Read the online publication here. Natalie V. Hudson-Smith, Meghan S. Cahill, Nathan D. Klein, Miriam O. P. Krause and Christy L. Haynes, Journal of Chemical Education, 2019, Available Online.

CSN Publication: Understanding Nanoparticle Toxicity Mechanisms To Inform Redesign Strategies To Reduce Environmental Impact

Joseph Buchman’s manuscript, entitled “Understanding Nanoparticle Toxicity Mechanisms To Inform Redesign Strategies To Reduce Environmental Impact,” has been accepted by Accounts of Chemical Research. Read the online publication here. Joseph T. Buchman, Natalie V. Hudson-Smith, Kaitlin M. Landy and Christy L. Haynes, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2019, Available Online.

CSN Publication: Preparation of Colloidally Stable Positively Charged Hollow Silica Nanoparticles: Effect of Minimizing Hydrolysis on Zeta Potentials

Hyunho Kang’s manuscript, entitled “Preparation of Colloidally Stable Positively Charged Hollow Silica Nanoparticles: Effect of Minimizing Hydrolysis on Zeta Potentials,” has been accepted by Langmuir. Read the online publication here. Hyunho Kang, Davis J. Long and Christy L. Haynes, Langmuir, 2019, Available Online.

Christy Haynes Wins Theophilus Redwood Award

CSN faculty member Christy Haynes has won the Theophilus Redwood Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry “for interdisciplinary work at the interface of analytical, biological, and materials chemistry and skills for passionately and effectively communicating science to broad audiences.” Christy was featured by the Royal Society here, and in a University of Minnesota press release here.

CSN Publication: Molecular surface functionalization of carbon materials via radical-induced grafting of terminal alkenes

Kelly Zhang’s manuscript, entitled “Molecular surface functionalization of carbon materials via radical-induced grafting of terminal alkenes,” has been accepted by Journal of the American Chemical Society. Read the online publication here. Yongqian (Kelly) Zhang, Ali A. Tamijani, Megan E. Taylor, Bo Zhi, Christy L. Haynes, Sara E. Mason and Robert J. Hamers, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, Available Online  

CSN publication highlighted in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering virtual issue

The CSN manuscript by Borgatta et al, entitled “Copper Based Nanomaterials Suppress Root Fungal Disease in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus): Role of Particle Morphology, Composition and Dissolution Behavior,” has been highlighted by a ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering special issue that you can read online here. Jaya Borgatta, Chuanxin Ma, Natalie Hudson-Smith, Wade Elmer, Cristian David Plaza Pérez, Roberto De La Torre-Roche, Nubia Zuverza-Mena, Christy L. Haynes, Jason C. White and Robert J. Hamers (2018). ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 6 (11), 14847-14856.  Read the article online here.

CSN Publication: Effect of silica supports on plasmonic heating of molecular adsorbates as measured by ultrafast surface-enhanced raman thermometry

The manuscript entitled “Effect of Silica Supports on Plasmonic Heating of Molecular Adsorbates as Measured by Ultrafast Surface-Enhanced Raman Thermometry,” has been accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Read the manuscript online here. Emily L. Keller, Hyunho Kang, Christy L. Haynes and Renee R. Frontiera, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, Accepted.  

Christy Haynes awarded New Orleans Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Award

Congratulations to Christy Haynes on being awarded the New Orleans Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture!  Christy was one of 13 candidates submitted by 9 divisions and was nominated by the Analytical Division of the ACS.  Christy will deliver her award lecture, "Biological and ecological toxicity of engineered nanomaterials" at the American Chemical Society National Meeting on April 8, 2013.