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Graduate Student Kelly Zhang Defends Thesis

Kelly Zhang (Hamers group, University of Wisconsin-Madison) defended her doctoral dissertation, entitled “Functionalization and characterization of carbon nanomaterials: Understanding mechanistic molecular interactions in biological systems,” on April 2. Kelly will be joining Merck as a Senior Scientist this summer. Congratulations Dr. Zhang!

Dr. Wade Elmer Named as Next Vice Director of Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

CSN Affiliate Dr. Wade Elmer was selected as the next Vice Director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Newly appointed Director of CAES (and CSN Affiliate) Jason White said, “Most of you know Wade well; he has worked at the Station since 1987 and is currently Department Head for Plant Pathology and Ecology. He and I are very much looking forward to working together.”

Graduate Student Kelly Zhang Wins Excellence in Research Award

Congratulations to Kelly Zhang (Hamers group) for winning the Richard and Joan Hartl Excellence in Research Award from the Department of Chemistry at UW-Madison! The award is given annually to the graduate student who conducted the most outstanding research in Materials Chemistry.

Dr. Jason White Named as Next Director of Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

CSN Affiliate Dr. Jason C. White will serve as the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station’s tenth Director, effective April 1, 2020. From the official announcement: “The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station has a very storied and important history in Science and service over its 145-year history. The appointment of Jason White will ensure that the Station continue and grow its standing as a world-class scientific research institution.” Congratulations to Jason!

Professor Rigoberto Hernandez Wins 2020 IMPACT Award

Congratulations to Professor Rigoberto Hernandez (Johns Hopkins University), who won the 2020 IMPACT Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA), which you can read about here. The IMPACT Award “recognizes the work of an outstanding Cottrell Scholar who has had a national impact in science through leadership and service activities.”

Professor Vivian Feng Selected as Fulbright Scholar

Professor Vivian Feng (Augsburg University) was selected as a Fulbright scholar for a four month teaching/research position at the Graz Technical University in Austria in 2020-2021. You can read more about the position here. Congratulations Vivian!