Graduate student Yinhan Wang defends thesis
Yinhan Wang (Hernandez group) successfully defended his thesis, entitled “Dissipative Particle Dynamics Models of Protein, Lipid, and Nanoparticle Interactions,” on December 10. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!
Yinhan Wang (Hernandez group) successfully defended his thesis, entitled “Dissipative Particle Dynamics Models of Protein, Lipid, and Nanoparticle Interactions,” on December 10. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!
“Barriers to diversity and equity are often exacerbated by a lack of access to unwritten rules or unstated expectations for success … as an institution, we have the power to remove this inequity entirely by being completely transparent in all of our rules and decisions, and by communicating our expectations for success to every member of our community.” Rigoberto Hernandez, professor of chemistry in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Professor Rigoberto Hernandez was announced Roadmap 2020 Task Force co-chair in March 2021. The task force was announced in July 2020 by JHU President Daniels, to “reassess and renew our dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion and to begin the process of moving toward a new set of robust… Read More »Prof. Rigoberto Hernandez Joins John Hopkins Task Force
Congratulations to Professor Rigoberto Hernandez (Johns Hopkins University), who won the 2020 IMPACT Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA), which you can read about here. The IMPACT Award “recognizes the work of an outstanding Cottrell Scholar who has had a national impact in science through leadership and service activities.”
Congratulations to Professor Rigoberto Hernandez, who has been admitted as a Fellow into The Royal Society of Chemistry; read more in the press release here.
Gene Chong’s manuscript, entitled “Defects in Self-Assembled Monolayers on Nanoparticles Prompt Phospholipid Extraction and Bilayer Curvature-Dependent Deformations,” has been accepted by the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Read the online publication here. Gene Chong, Isabel U. Foreman-Ortiz, Meng Wu, Anthony Bautista, Catherine J. Murphy, Joel A. Pedersen and Rigoberto Hernandez, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2019, Available Online.
Emily Tollefson’s and Caley Allen’s manuscript, entitled “Preferential Binding of Cytochrome c to an Anionic Ligand-Coated Gold Nanoparticle: A Complementary Computational and Experimental Approach,” has been accepted by ACS Nano. Read the online publication here. Emily J. Tollefson#, Caley R. Allen#, Gene Chong, Xi Zhang, Nikita D. Rozanov, Anthony Bautista, Jennifer J. Cerda, Joel A. Pedersen, Catherine J. Murphy, Erin E. Carlson* and Rigoberto Hernandez*, ACS Nano, 2019, Available Online. # Authors contributed equally; *co-corresponding authors
Meng Wu’s manuscript, entitled “Solution NMR Analysis of Ligand Environment in Quaternary Ammonium-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold Nanoparticles: The Effect of Surface Curvature and Ligand Structure,” has been accepted by the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Read the online publication here. Meng Wu, Ariane M. Vartanian, Gene Chong, Arun Kumar Pandiakumar, Robert J. Hamers, Rigoberto Hernandez and Catherine J. Murphy, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, Accepted.
Gene Chong’s manuscript, entitled “Density, Structure, and Stability of Citrate3– and H2Citrate– on Bare and Coated Gold Nanoparticles,” has been accepted by The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Read the manuscript online here. Gene Chong, Elizabeth D. Laudadio, Meng Wu, Catherine J. Murphy, Robert J. Hamers and Rigoberto Hernandez, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, Accepted.
Professor Rigoberto Hernandez of Johns Hopkins University has been selected for the SERMACS (SouthEastern Regional Meeting of the ACS) Stanley Israel Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences. He received the award on November 1st, in Augusta, GA at the SERMACS conference.