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Graduate Student Katie Earl Defends Thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Katie Earl (Hamers group) successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Reciprocal Redox of Biomolecules on Metal Oxide Nanomaterials Surfaces” on October 19th! She has accepted a position at H2U, a start-up company near Los Angeles, CA.

CSN Publication: Synthesis, applications and potential photoluminescence mechanism of spectrally tunable carbon dots

Bo Zhi’s aned Xiaoxiao Yao’s manuscript, entitled “Synthesis, applications and potential photoluminescence mechanism of spectrally tunable carbon dots,” has been accepted by Nanoscale. Read the online publication here. Bo Zhi*, Xiaoxiao Yao*, Yi Cui, Galya Orr and Christy Haynes, Nanoscale, 2019, Accepted Article. * Authors Contributed Equally