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Mike Curry

Mike Curry and Mike Schwartz co-chair Presidential Symposium at ACS Fall 2024

  • CSN, News

CSN Affiliate Mike Curry and Mike Schwartz were co-chairs for a Presidential Symposium at ACS Denver, entitled “Strategies for Meaningful and Engaging Partnerships: Leveraging the Innovation of HBCU Research.” The goal of the symposium was to highlight success stories for collaborations between HBCUs and non-HBCU institutions.

CSN Affiliate Dr. Mike Curry Skegee Spotlight

“As an HBCU faculty and researcher, I aim to increase the number of highly trained minority professionals within the STEM and entrepreneurship pipelines, I want to strategically move the needle forward on minority-inspired innovation, and powerfully influence the movement of STEM diversity,” Mike Curry Read the full article here.

CSN Publication: Impact of silanization on the structure, dispersion properties, and biodegradability of nanocellulose as a nanocomposite filler

Ben Frank’s manuscript, entitled “Impact of silanization on the structure, dispersion properties, and biodegradability of nanocellulose as a nanocomposite filler,” has been accepted by ACS Applied Nano Materials. Read the manusrcipt online here. Benjamin P. Frank, David P. Durkin, Emily Caudill, Lingchao Zhu, Donald White, Michael L. Curry, Joel A. Pedersen and D. Howard Fairbrother, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, Accepted.