Invited Talk: Ligand Surfaces of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Studied by Vibrational SFGJuly 18, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Environmentally Relevant Nanoparticle Surfaces Studied by Vibrational SFG and SHGJuly 18, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Coherent Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy of Engineered and Natural NanoparticlesJuly 18, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Coherent Vibrational Spectroscopy of Engineered and Natural Nanoparticles: The Molecular PerspectiveJuly 18, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Lipid Bilayers at Aqueous/Solid Interfaces Interacting with Engineered NanoparticlesJuly 18, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Environmentally Relevant Nanoparticle Surfaces and their Interaction with Lipid Bilayers Studied by Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation and Second Harmonic GenerationJuly 18, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Intracellular Dissolution and Fate of Engineered Nanoparticles in Cells Representing the Respiratory TractJuly 16, 2013Blog
Invited Talk: Nanoparticle Toxicity to Developing Zebrafish: Effects of Weathering and LightJuly 16, 2013Blog